Swift Bitmasks - Things nobody needs
Whoever wrote an iOS App in Objective-C knows bitmasks very well. Even just configuring a simple UIButton
one is confronted with a UIControlState
and things like UIControlStateHighlighted|UIControlStateDisabled
. Before autolayout one had to fight with UIViewAutoresizing
But bitmasks aren’t a common concept in Swift and creating them isn’t trivial.
To get a better understanding of bitmasks, generics and bitshifting in swift I wrote an extension
fo UInt8
which is an eight bit bitmask. Bigger bitmasks aren’t difficult either.
typealias Bitmask = UInt8
typealias BitName = UInt8
extension Bitmask {
func setBit<T: RawRepresentable>(at index: T, newValue: Bool) -> Bitmask where T.RawValue == BitName {
let rawValue = index.rawValue
let currentState: Bool = getBit(at: index)
if currentState != newValue {
return self ^ (1 << rawValue)
return self
func getBit<T: RawRepresentable>(at index: T) -> Bool where T.RawValue == BitName {
let rawValue = index.rawValue
return self & (1 << rawValue) > 0
var description: String {
return "[\((self>>7)%2),\((self>>6)%2),\((self>>5)%2),\((self>>4)%2),\((self>>3)%2),\((self>>2)%2),\((self>>1)%2),\(self%2)]"
With a simple usage.
enum RoomBitNames: BitName {
case Livingroom = 0
case Kitchen = 1
case Bedroom = 2
// there can be 5 more bits
let a: Bitmask = 0
let b = a.setBit(at: RoomBitNames.Livingroom, newValue: true)
let c = b.setBit(at: RoomBitNames.Kitchen, newValue: true)
let hasLivingroom = c.getBit(at: RoomBitNames.Livingroom)
let hasKitchen = c.getBit(at: RoomBitNames.Kitchen)
let hasBedroom = c.getBit(at: RoomBitNames.Bedroom)